Jamila is a mix: her skin‚ her eyes‚ and her hair are Moroccan‚ but she lives in Europe where she studies and where her heart beats. She is constantly in conflict with her parents‚ since she definitely doesn’t share their culture and their traditions. She is torn between her origins and her will to live like all European adolescents‚ and has no idea to whom she can ask all her questions. For five months‚ Jamila maintains a diary in which she writes about her sufferings‚ her joys‚ her conflicts with her father‚ her desire to go out. She talks about the way people look at her‚ and the fact that she will always be a foreigner in this country. Who is she really? Age: 10 and up
Novel‚ 12‚5 x 17‚8 cm‚ 160 PP.
Collection: Zone J
Thèmes: Adolescence / Différence / Relations parents–enfants / Sentiments
Prix: 6,50 €
Date of publication: mars 2003
Nouvelle édition février 2020
ISBN: 978-2-87423-005-9
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